Life is full of choices. Choose safety. ANCAP launches new advertising campaign. - ANCAP SAFETY

17 Mar 2025 9:34 AM

Life is full of choices. Some easy. Some more difficult.  That’s the tagline used in ANCAP SAFETY’s new advertising campaign calling on all Australians to choose safety.

Launching nationally this week, a series of campaign advertisements are being rolled out to remind Australian mums, dads, boyfriends, girlfriends, grandparents and neighbours to stop, think about, and check the ANCAP safety rating of their car or that of a family member, loved one, or friend.

“There are many in the community that are aware of ANCAP safety ratings – what they are, and where to look for them.  There are however those that aren’t as familiar, nor have vehicle purchasing decisions front-of-mind,” said ANCAP Chief Executive Officer, Carla Hoorweg.

“We know from our research that in some households the decision-making around which car they should buy is based on brand familiarity, or in many cases left to the ‘other half’ in the relationship that ‘knows more about cars’.  For some, the only decision they need to make when looking to buy a new car is the colour it should be.”

“With this new campaign we want to reach people at important life stages.  Having their first baby; caring for their first grandchild; buying their first EV; or heading out on a first date.”

“These stages in peoples’ lives are important milestones, and ones where safety really should be front-of-mind.  The trigger for change during these periods is heightened, and present the perfect opportunity for safety to be injected into the conversation.”

The campaign will air across free-TV and broadcast streaming services, social media, and in print.

“So whether you’re getting picked up for a first date; about to have your first baby; babysitting your first grandchild; or taking the leap and purchasing an EV – make sure you pause and ask yourself… What’s its ANCAP safety rating?” 

“The choices you make are important.”

Further detail on the campaign can be found at
Campaign assets can be downloaded here.

Contact details:

Rhianne Robson
Director - Communications
[email protected]
0408 296 550

